computer training

For my eleventh post, I’ll be including in a bunch of video clips on what’s related to computer training…


The first three video clips are mostly about stuff that have to do with computer viruses and malware…


The first three video clips shows stuff that are related to troubleshooting such as using Windows tools, troubleshooting a computer and ten basic steps on troubleshooting…


The first three video clips are mostly showing basic stuff on computer hardware…


Web Browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox)

The first three video clips mostly shows how to re-install and download web browsers from its latest versions into Windows…

E-mail (Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail and Outlook)

The first four video clips mostly regard stuff that have to do with email like account settings, deleting stuff off an inbox at once, basic tutorials and how to create an email account…

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+)

The first four video clips are simply just stuff on social media like creating unlimited accounts, managing accounts and introductions…


Basic applications

For my ninth post, what I’ll be talking is some basic applications that are meant for those that want to be trained with computers…


A web browser is a software application that users use to retrieve and present information from resources on the World Wide Web. Also, a web browser can be known either as an applications software or any other program that designs to enable others to access retrieve and view their documents and other resources on the web. Even though web browsers are primarily intended to be used on the World Wide Web, they can also be used for accessing information which web servers provide either in private networks or files in file systems. Four of the major web browsers that users would often use are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari (meant for products of Apple-iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).


A search engine is a program that searches for keywords in which they specify on and return a list of documents where keywords were being found. What a search engine is often meant for is a term of describing webpages like Google, Bing and Yahoo which is an internet search tool enabling users to search for documents on the World Wide Web.


Google Apps is a package of cloud-based services that gives you a whole new way of how you can work together online not just with using email and chat but over video conference calls, social media, real-time document collaborations and many more. All you would have to do is just sign up for a Gmail account and then you can start using Google apps like Gmail, Calendar, Drive and other services of its package as well as services that are additional like Google+, Hangouts and even more.


Electronic mail (mostly common known as email) is a basic application of sending in and exchanging digital messages from one person to another. An email can be meant for three of the components which includes the message’s envelope, the message’s header and the message’s body. With the message’s holder, it controls information including an original email address and one or more email addresses of recipients. Usually, part of the email that has a subject header field and a message submission date/time stamp would be what is called descriptive information.

Regards of email, it is also known as a technology of sending information and communicating a digital message over the web. Although users have email, they may use it in different ways depending on how they think about it. Moreover, there are many platforms of how users can use email to communicate, send, receive and exchange information such as Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail and others, etc.


Social media is a computer-network tool and basic application that allows people or companies to either create, share, exchange information, career interests, ideas and pictures and videos within other communities and other networks. The point of how social media stands by itself is mainly involved through defining what challenges are and what common features include. However, there are at least three to four common features that social media include and here is what they are.

Firstly, social media is a web-based application of version 2.0. Secondly, user-generated content is the lifeblood of the social media organization. Thirdly, users create service-specific profiles either for the site or app that are designed and maintained by the social media organization. Lastly, social media facilitates the development of social media networks by taking a user’s profile and connecting it with those of others and groups. Also, social media depends on mobile and web-based technology to create a highly interactive platform through which people and communities share, co-create, discuss and modify user-generated account.



Now for my eighth post, I’ll be talking all about troubleshooting…

Troubleshooting is a form of solving problems which often apply to repairing products that fail or process. Also, troubleshooting is a logical systematic search for the source of a problem in order to solve it and make the product or process operational again. Regards of troubleshooting, it is only needed for identifying the symptoms. With troubleshooting, the process of elimination which eliminates potential causes of a problem is what can determine the cause that can be mostly liken to happen. Also, troubleshooting requires confirmation that the solution helps to either take the product and restore it or process it into its state of work.

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Computer Hardware

Now for my fifth post, what I’ll be talking about is stuff on computer hardware…


The motherboard which they sometimes call it as the logic board is what contains connectors to get the power from the power supply and other connectors in order to host in a variety of devices that have a plug-in. Another part of the motherboard is the bus which is a set of many parallel lines which enables communication among the devices with its plug-in by providing paths for electrical current.


The power supply unit (PSU) is what it uses to convert a main AC to low-regulated voltage power for the internal components of a computer.


Random Access Memory (RAM) is a kind of hard drive that is meant for those that want to put in data and other stuff like files. Because of that, not all of its data will be used at the same time but as it was mentioned there can be a lot of it being put on the hard drive. Whatever kind of data that we work with is what we are given at any moment to be stored with which is none other than RAM (often called as “memory). The main advantage of using RAM is take in what we are working on whether if it is data or anything as it make us have less time waiting and have more time being reproductive. The main point of RAM is that it is very fast, so reliable and not only that but everything is put where it is needed. Let’s say for an example that you are working with a bunch of files and data and your computer accidentally shuts down due to a power outage then you should not rely on putting in all of your data into the RAM in case if everything gets deleted. What will hold all of your data and other stuff will be the hard drive so whenever the power on your computer is either on or off by itself it will always be there as it is needed.


The hard disk is what has all of its information that is being kept on your computer. Unlike RAM, which is very fast and so reliable, the hard disk can hold everything forever including your files and data either with or without having electrical current. With modern hard disks, most of them may have billions of bytes of storage space on them which means that you can take in these files to create, save and download either for months or years without even using up all of its storage space that it provides. Whenever you fill up your hard disk, what Windows will start indicating is a small message on the computer’s screen saying that “you’re running low on disk space” due to any problem in advance. But in fact that if the message appears on your computer’s screen, it means that it would not run low until you come down to 800 MB of free embed disk space. Moreover, all of these megabytes of free embed disk space you get can be equal up to 600 floppy disks and that is still plenty of room for it.


The removable storage or disk drives is what people use to get information from whenever they work with computers. With the terms “disk” and “drive”, they can often be described in two exact meanings but can help understand what they are meant for. The term “disk” can be described as the storage device which helps to store information and either contain data or software straight from your computer. The term “drive” is what is described as its hardware which runs the disk. With disk drives, each of them can be designed for any type of media that is specific whether if it is either a CD, DVD or hard drive.


A USB drive is like a media drive that works slightly different as they use memory cards to take in information and store them onto there. With digital cameras, they also use what are called “Flash” memory cards because they do the same thing as USB drives do such as taking in information and storing them on.

About the USB drives, each of them should be able to do two of the following tasks:

  • Write-Take in information and place them right onto the disk
  • Read-Get information of data right off the disk

Also, there are four different drive sizes that you can get from an USB:


1000 bytes (B)->1 kilobyte (KB)

1000 kilobytes (KB)->1 megabyte (MB)

1000 megabytes (MB)->1 gigabyte (GB)

1000 gigabytes (GB)->1 terabyte (TB) (Most common type of drive size)

The development of employees

For my fourth post, I’ll be talking about what it is for employees to be developed with when it comes more into computer training…


When it comes to employees in what they are developed with, there are are a wide variety of applications that can be meant for in computer training but not just for simulating software but for other things like troubleshooting, detecting viruses and spyware, hardware and even basic applications (internet-email, social network). Whatever people are taught with in a classroom is what they can be taught with when using a computer. For employees, there are several training courses that can be recommendable for them such as ethics, safety, job skills training, leadership training, etc. Having employees to use computer technology can continuously help to provide training opportunities for their co-workers to steadily increase their professional competencies and experience while accruing the benefits of a comprehensive development program to its business.

The productivity of computer training

For my third post, I’ll be talking about what the productivity is all about when it comes to computer training…


Aside from what it is important for employees when obtaining computer training, there are small businesses which can realize important benefits from bringing technology into their computer software programs. Regards of productivity, what may avoid the loss of it is its use of computers to excel in training exercises as it would usually come with employees when they learn new systems on their jobs. For example, retail operations is what helps to train employees on the job when they learn how to operate POS systems as it can cause line queues to back up while customers become annoyed. Moreover, a simulated POS system which provides new hires with computer training in a capable setting on the other hand can at least give employees the skills and confidence they need in order to do well with serving customers while being on the first day on their jobs.

Job Learning

For my second writing post, I’ll be talking all about what it’s like for employees to learn on the job…


In order for employees to learn on the job, they need to provide some basic computer training that can help them build new skills. If employees want to do well on their jobs, what they need to learn is how to use software programs (any kind). For example, an employee that wants to do well with their job skills needs to know how to operate a POS system while being at work. With job learning, having employees to learn how to use computer software which they have not worked with can be quite simple only if there is enough experience for them to expand. Without having experience, anyone can at least try to build up new skills as it can be challenging.

Job Skills

For my first writing post, I’ll be talking about what job skills are and what they can be meant for when people train themselves with computers…


A basic requirement for a large number of jobs are computer skills. There are almost any kind of office jobs that applicants will apply for regards of how knowledgeable and experienced they are within their computer skills. Also, there are requirements for job applicants in computer skills such as a basic understanding on the use of operating a system, basic typing and data entry. Furthermore, most office works require job applicants to be familiar with computer software programs like MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook and Publisher). With non-office jobs, they would only require a small bit of computer training. For employees, if they want to do some cash retailing they would need to require themselves with positions of being retail cashiers. Depending on how long it takes for employees to either log their hours worked on computers or to enter production, what should be require for them are factory positions.